You might be wondering what this site is all about?
I founded Salty Kiss label in 2015 to make myself busy while living in Sri Lanka with my that time partner and to feed my DIY crafty soul. I started Surf Kids Club Meddawatta a year later and other projects were connecting. I was always getting many questions what am I doing? Where am I living? And people wanted to hear all about my stories. So, I have decided to create web platform to connect all those above.
I created Salty Kiss web also to share my travel experiences with my family and friends and basically with anybody who is interested in Sri Lanka and the contentions here.
Posts are mostly about my everyday life, projects I participated in, interesting people and travelling. You might find some recipes too!
Hi! I am Katia, from Czech rep. Thanks for dropping by.
I have lived abroad for 6 years and now I feel it’s time to share my experience. My recent destination is Sri Lanka where I am currently working on some new exciting projects. I studied Social and media communication at University in Prague and Porto.
I love to surf! And I enjoy putting my own magical touch on things to make places beautiful. Also organizing anything and anybody is my very strong ability! I like good food. But you don´t want to meet me “hangry”!