Have you ever been to place which reminded you a ghost town? Well, that´s what some parts of Jaffna are like, but it has also beautiful nature, kind people and amazing food!
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Docela často dostávám dotazy ohledně Srí Lanky. Co, jak, kam, kde? Čtěte víc zde!
Our list of recommended places to eat, sleep, drink coffee, surf, shop etc. Enjoy!
Long time, no see/hear. Here is to share with you our last video from Surf Kids Club Medda.
We can´t guarantee we will have same fabrics all season as we work with recycled materials. But we will do our best when choosing the most beautiful prints for you!
This article and interview is translated from it´s German original. Written by Markus Warth aka Teardrop Surf. Markus joined one of our very first lessons in first season in early 2016.
Surf Kids Club Meddawatta was founded in January 2015 by Katerina and Thushan, with support from Leonel.
Salty Kiss fashion label started its journey at the end of the year 2015. The original idea was to make surf bikinis. At that time it was hard to get surf bikinis for a reasonable price in Czech Rep.